Photography Editing

To edit photographs there is two options you can use which will really bring out the best result, these are Photoshop and camera RAW. Even though camera RAW is within Photoshop itself, not many people know where to find it. Camera RAW is mainly used to create a naturalistic effect with photographs whilst Photoshop is used to create more exaggerated images with more effects and filters. This is why photographs used within thumbnails are created using Photoshop. This is my first time using Photoshop so my skills are very little, however I still wanted to make sure that I showed the before and after photographs to show the progress I have made.

To edit this image, I have used Photoshop and used the following tools:

  • B/W adjustment panel
  • Brightness and contrast
  • Colour level
  • Tint Level
  • Crop tool (C)
  • Duplicate Layer (Ctrl + J)
  • Window menu (to find missing tools and panels)

PSD Files save your layers whilst JPG saves it as a single layer, as the image is compressed.

To edit this image, I have used Photoshop and used the following tools:

  • Lasso Tool
  • Control D
  • Move layer down (to appear in background)

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